10 Amazing Benefits of Gratitude You Need Today
I’ve been going deep in the study of the law of attraction of late. And everything says that we need to take action, visualize, then be thankful. So there HAS to be benefits of gratitude or everyone wouldn’t be talking about it. If you’ve been reading the gratitude series, you know why practicing gratitude is important and how to make it a habit. However, if you needed more convincing, I’ve also found amazing benefits of gratitude that you’ll want to learn about. 10 Amazing Benefits of Gratitude You Need Today: 1. Optimism When you find things to be thankful for, it will make you happier. Focusing on the positive will…
How to Make Gratitude a Daily Habit
I’ve been working on a lot of self improvement lately and learning what I do every day shapes the way my life will go. This may seem like a ton of pressure but when you think about everything as smaller steps, it gets easier. My latest challenge is how to make gratitude important every day. If you read about the importance of gratitude, you know how impactful being grateful every day is. And knowing that will make you want to do it habitually. So we need to learn how to make gratitude apart of our daily routine. How to Make Gratitude a Daily Habit: Choose to be mindful throughout the…
Why Gratitude is Important to Change Your Life
I have been researching the law of attraction a TON over the past year to learn how to attract what I want in life. Through all my readings, there has been one thing that has always come up: gratitude. Practicing gratitude is important to bring the things we want in life. Whenever I think about gratitude, I’m reminded of a quote by Oprah: “Focus on what you have and you’ll end up having more. When you focus on what you don’t have, you’ll never have enough.” What’s good enough for Oprah is good enough for me! So I’ve started researching more into how being grateful changes your life and shapes…
An Interview on Life and Successful Dog Grooming
I sat down with my friend and fellow dreamer, Sydney, to ask her about her journey. She owns and operates a 6-figure business before turning 30, which I think is an AMAZING accomplishment. So I wanted to learn more about how and why she did it. If you’re interested in starting a dog grooming business (Sydney is a dog groomer), check out the interview below. Maybe you’ll get some inspiration to go ahead and jump into your dream! An Interview on Life and Successful Dog Grooming with Sydney: 1. Tell us about you and your dog grooming business. I am a professional dog groomer who also owns her own shop.…
The Most Impactful Ways to Advance Your Career
We all want to move forward in life (Maybe that’s an over-generalization, but I hope you do!). And it’d be great if that could happen quickly. I recently learned three impactful ways to advance your career that I will share with you. Before I do that though, I need to make sure you know what it is you want. There’s no way to succeed unless you know what it is you’re supposed to be succeeding at. Make sure you are specific on your career goals BEFORE learning how to advance your career–if you’re really clueless, use these tips to advance yourself as a human and maybe your goals will come…
Top 5 Routine Habits of Highly Successful People
During one of the podcasts I’ve been listening to, the speaker mentioned five routine habits wealthy people do versus poor people. She said that Entrepreneur magazine ran a survey using people that made over $150k with over a million in assets against people that made less than $30k with less than $5,000 in assets. Based on their survey, Entrepreneur was able to see where the values of wealthy people lies and how it’s in direct contrast to poorer people. Well that had me thinking about my own routine. Based off of these finding there are five things that I MUST add to my daily routine habits in order to be…
Warning: Your Side Hustle is Getting the Shaft
I’ve said for a looong time that I want to be a writer. However, if you looked at my old routine, it didn’t look like I took my side hustle dreams seriously. I wrote right before critiques, and I sent manuscripts periodically through the year. Other times, my nights were filled with Netflix or hanging out with my boyfriend. For over a year, my writing could be viewed as a HOBBY! Not what I said I wanted, which is to make this a full-time career as a writer. Sometimes we have to swallow the truth in order to move closer to our dreams. If you’re a dreamer with a side-hustle…
How to Have Career Patience in Your Twenties
They say patience is a virtue. I say it’s a virtue I haven’t been blessed with. Especially when it comes to career patience–As I’m sure you can tell in the last 3 months worth of posts. I want so desperately to make things happen, that I will try to force it, which is NOT a good plan. And I don’t think I’m the only one lacking patience. We live in a world with Google, instant buy, quick-turnaround shipping, real-time tech, and instant satisfaction. Why should we have to wait for things to happen, when there are ways to make it happen faster? This may be what’s preventing many of us…
Career tip: Don’t just do what makes you happy
Listening to podcast, I started thinking more about a common question we ask young people. When we’re graduating high school, people start asking “What are you going to do now?”. This is normally followed by the advice of “do what makes you happy”. This advice is why I studied fashion design in college. Like a WHOLE DEGREE in fashion design all because drawing clothes and coming up with fashion pieces made me happy. I assumed that this would be my life after graduation: I’d sit with a sketchbook, come up with awesome fashion pieces that people would love, then other people that were not me would make them. Not once…
How to Act on the Signs from the Universe
My position has been eliminated again! I’m not sure how many signs from the universe I need before I realize I need to finally GO for my dreams. If you’ve ever read any of my posts, you know that I want to be a full-time writer. And after reading so many books and listening to podcasts, I’ve decided to OFFICIALLY go for it! Like they say, you have to do it scared. Are there any signs from the universe you’ve been missing? Or worse, IGNORING? Today, we’re going to set out to change that. But we can’t go for our dreams if we don’t have a plan. Below is how…