70 Positive Affirmations to Encourage You
Loving myself is something I’ve been trying to practice on a daily basis. My body and my self-esteem feel better when I’m positive and say nice things about them. The best way I’ve found to do that is through saying positive affirmations.
To boost your body confidence, have a greater self-worth, and to feel loved, you should practice saying positive affirmations, too. I have compiled a list of ones that I say to myself daily.
If you are ready to practice happiness and gratitude right now, then get your beautiful free printable positive affirmations, delivered straight to your inbox!
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70 Positive Affirmations to Encourage You:
Positive Affirmations on Love
I am worthy of love
I am loved
I am free to give love
I choose to love myself
Love surrounds me
My heart is open
I welcome love
People can see love in me
Positive Affirmations about Self Confidence
I am enough
I deserve respect
I am confident
I am proud of myself
I fully accept myself
I love myself as I am in this moment
I matter
I have purpose
I am free to be me
I can choose to be my authentic self
I don’t have to hide who I truly am
Positive Affirmations for Work
I am intelligent
I am hard working
I am always learning
I am becoming who I’m supposed to be
I can accomplish anything
I am capable
I am trustworthy
I am dependable
I am gifted
I am successful
I have a voice
I have power
I welcome opportunity
Positive Affirmations about Happiness
I deserve happiness
I choose to be positive
I choose to be happy
I am hopeful
I am in charge of my feelings
People can not tell me how to feel about my life
I am so grateful
I have much to be thankful for
My heart overflows with joy
I am free to be happy
Positive Affirmations for your Past
I am forgiving
I forgive myself
I am in control of my life
I am able to change
My life matters
I live without regrets
My past doesn’t define me, it only shapes me
Today is going to be a great day
Everything in my life has a purpose
Positive Affirmations for your Body
I choose to treat my body with respect
I am strong
I am beautiful
My beauty is inside me
I radiate beauty
My body is perfect
I love how I look right now
I will only say positive things to my body
Positive Affirmations about your Inner Self
I am brave
I have all that I need
I am open to others
I am spontaneous
I am generous
I am unique
I am interesting
People want to know me
I live in abundance
I am patient
I am kind
Write positive affirmations on a sticky note and post them on the bathroom mirror or anywhere you will see them, or just grab these free printable affirmations.
Having little reminders to be positive and show yourself love can help increase how you feel about yourself. I also highly recommend journalling with affirmations.
And if you want more articles about loving yourself, check out my article on building body confidence and how to have the perfect solo date at home.

Thank you. You are so beautiful inside and out. Peace and blessings.
Awe! Thank you so much. That means so much to hear 🙂
I love it thanks
Tiffany Merritt
Thank you for sharing this! I really appreciate you! You are amazing!