5 Musts When Setting Relationship Standards
We’ve all heard that we need relationship standards when we’re dating, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. When some people think of relationship standards, they jump straight to ‘the list’ of things they want in a partner. The old cliche is to want a man who is tall, dark and handsome. The list of attributes you want in a romantic partner is not the same as the standards you set for a relationship. Relationship standards are a reflection of the standards you are really setting for yourself, and what you think you are worthy of when looking for love. I have read Matthew Hussey’s book Get the Guy multiple times.…
10 Summer Date Ideas Before Summer Ends
Remember all of those summer date ideas you had in May? Sadly, summer is coming to an end and you may not have gone on any of them. Fear not! Even though the summer is flying by, there are still some fun dates we can go on before school starts and the weather turns cold. Here are 10 fun summer date ideas to try with your other half this month: 1. Drive-in Movie Theater I know that a drive-in movie may sound like a thing from the past, but they’re still around. Normally you get to watch 2 movies when you go and they even get new movies. Tickets are…
15 Romance Tips You Need When You Cohabitate
February is the month of love and romance is in the air. Or chocolate and wine are in the air because consumerism. We’ve been in a relationship for awhile so I’m always thinking of new ways to keep the spark alive between us. For Valentine’s Day this year, everyone keeps asking what we’re doing–which is cooking dinner together and playing a board game. But this isn’t any different from normal week nights. People tell me we’re adorable when I tell them my romance tips to keeping things interesting. These romance tips don’t have to be a secret though! Use these 15 romance tips to keep the spark alive well after…
75 Love Songs that get You in the Mood
My boyfriend makes fun of me because I love dancing to love songs–Well, really I like dancing to ALL songs. But my Spotify does get filled regularly with Ed Sheeran. <3 If you also like dancing to love songs, and experiencing all the feels that come with them, then you are going to love this little list I made for you! It’s a mix of some of my favorite love songs and some that I found going down the rabbit hole of Spotify. Here are 75 love songs that are perfect for your next date night. 😉 75 Love Songs that get You in the Mood: A Song for You…
10 Holiday Romance Movies to Binge Watch this Season
I’m a sucker for all of the Hallmark and Lifetime holiday romance movies when it’s Christmas time. Even though I KNOW they have a predictable, cheesy ending (The girl will ALWAYS get the guy), I still love to watch them. Sometimes I’ll save the viewing for my solo date night in or I’ll just spend a whole lazy day watching a marathon. If you share my love of holiday romance movies, then you will love these top ten movies. Bonus: They’re all on Netflix so you don’t have to figure out how to stream these gems. Here are ten holiday romance movies to binge watch this season. 10 Holiday Romance…
5 Labor Day Date Ideas for the Long Weekend
Labor Day is coming up, which means a 3-day weekend for most of us. For my boyfriend and I, this is a great time to go on a date since I work a lot of weekends, but I get time off for the holiday. Most years, we have to be home for family events but sometimes we get to spend time together. If you’re lucky enough to find time to spend with your significant other, try these 5 Labor Day date ideas: 1. Take a Boat Ride Labor Day marks the last weekend of summer for most of the country. Taking advantage of the weather is always a good date…
6 Tips When You Cheer for Rival Teams
My boyfriend and I cheer for rival teams because we went to different schools. One of our teams is better than the other (Mine does better academically), but it’s still fun to throw jabs at who is going to be the better team every year. Since we have a rivalry, we had to learn a few tips to ensure our relationship doesn’t suffer through the season. Here are 6 tips for when you cheer for rival teams: 1. Set up a Whole Season Competition. Like a fantasy football league or March Madness bracket, you could set up a little competition between the two of you. Make up how things are…
How to Make a Long Distance Relationship Last
When my boyfriend and I first met, we lived in different cities. It was an hour each way between our doorsteps (I know that some of you have hundreds of miles and for that I applaud you. Even this short of a distance was hard). Since I worked late and every weekend, we could only see each 2-3 times a week. Being in a long distance relationship, you learn tips to make it work and realize things that could be detrimental. If you are currently in a long distance relationship (even a mental one, where you are separated by work/life and can’t make time to see each other as often…
Ask Yourself: Summer Fling or Real Deal?
“Is this a summer fling” is a common question a lot of girls ask themselves in August. Before I met my boyfriend, I would run through a checklist of sorts to see if the person I’d been hanging out with all summer was someone that I was serious about dating. Even with my current boyfriend I did that! (We met over the 4th of July). Before you have “the conversation” with your fling, think seriously through these three questions. They will help you analyze the relationship to see the real potential. 1. When you hang out, is it mostly alone or in groups? Boy- “Hey. What’s up?” Girl- “Nothing much.…