6 Ways to Motivate Yourself when You Feel Lazy AF
I have felt like this month has taken FOREVER to get through. Not that I’m wishing my life away, but I’ve been feeling quite unmotivated to do much of anything. Including basic things, like exercise and shave my legs! Which is why I’ve started thinking, “Girl, you really need to motivate yourself and stop being a piece”. Can I get an AMEN! If you have been feeling seriously lazy AF lately, then fear not. I am here to motivate you and me. Here are 6 easy ways to motivate yourself so you can stop feeling lazy. 6 Ways to Motivate Yourself when You Feel Lazy AF: 1. Give yourself a…
Do This for Motivation to Focus on Your Dreams
Do you ever have so many ideas that it’s hard to focus on one thing at a time? I have this ALL the time! I blame my creative spirit for always coming up with new and exciting ideas, making it hard to focus on my dreams. If I’m going to be successful though, I need to keep my motivation through to the end. Which means I’m going to have to remain focused without any added distractions. This may seem difficult for you, especially if you also have a lot of ideas spinning in your head. But I have found a solution! You are going to want to add this to…
How to Build Your Body Confidence in 5 Minutes
Truly being confident and secure in my body has taken me over 6 years of practice to accomplish, and I still need to keep practicing. Whenever I’m feeling down though, I have a trick to boost my body confidence in only 5 minutes. If you want to know how to build your body confidence in just 5 minutes, then you need to grab a pen and paper. I LOVE Kate Spade’s notebook collection (https://amzn.to/2Rl74IK), if you’re looking for some fun, new notebooks (Because who doesn’t love new writing supplies). You will also need to post up in front of a mirror for this exercise. Once you have all of your supplies,…
5 Inspirational Books that Will Change Your Life
I LOVE reading inspirational books. Especially if they focus on personal growth. When I’m struggling in a certain area of my life, I’m always looking for a new book that can help me change (My mother even buys me self-help type books, too, as if she’s trying to tell me I need to improve my life). That’s how I chose this list of my 5 favorite inspirational books. All of these books have helped me grow at some point in my life. If you want a good book to read that will increase your personal growth, check out my top 5 inspirational books for you. 5 Inspirational Books that will…
The Ultimate Guide to Get Exactly What You Want
I just finished reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and learning about the law of attraction. The law of attraction is essentially the ultimate guide to get EXACTLY what you want. You just need to know how to use it. After reading the 5 steps to finding your purpose, you might be asking yourself “now what?”. We now know exactly what we want to do with our lives but we aren’t sure where we should start or how to make it happen. Don’t worry! I have come up with a way to help us start living our purpose. Here is the ultimate guide to help you get exactly what you…
How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Today, I found myself feeling bad because someone is doing better than me. When this happens, I go down a rabbit hole of self-doubt and start second guessing EVERYTHING I have worked on up to this point. But is it possible to stop comparing yourself to others? Comparing ourselves against others starts when we’re in grade school. We learn at a young age to compete: for the top of the class, the tallest kid, the best artwork, who can run the fastest, and the list goes on. The comparison can start out innocent in the beginning, but then turn into an obsession. I always start comparing myself against others who…
Benefits of Your Quarter Life Crisis in Your Twenties
Your quarter life crisis can be described as the time in your life when you’re searching for a sense of direction or purpose. I went through my quarter life crisis at 24 after I decided to give up my business. Up until that point, I had everything figured out–or so I thought. This was the first time in my adult life where I didn’t have a plan. There are three main things that happen during your quarter life crisis: Doubting your choices up to this point Lacking a sense of direction in your life Trying to change the path for your life This is where I found myself. Doubting the…
5 Things All Dreamers Need To Know Today
All dreamers NEED a creative outlet. This is why I have been creating different business ideas since I was seven years old. In school, I used to get in trouble for doodling during class, but drawing pictures helped me focus. On the playground, I would sketch and create the next great clothing line that I could sell with my friends. I know that there are many of you like me. Thinking of your next non-profit that you would like to start in order to help people in the world. Staying up late and writing songs, planning for the day when you will get to sing to millions of people. Collaborating…
10 Childlike Traits Adults Should Keep
We try to stifle our childlike traits as we age. Thinking that they will make us seem immature. When really some of those childlike traits are quite important to keep as adults. I remember sitting on the stairs with my brother making plans for when we were adults. We were going to get a sweet apartment where we could watch cartoons and eat sugary cereal on Saturdays. I was going to own my own clothing line and make thousands of dollars (Because a thousand dollars was a lot of money to my kid self). This post may contain affiliate links. That means if you click and buy, I may receive a…