12 Creatives Who Overcame Great Failure to Succeed
When you want to become a girlboss, you have to immerse yourself in the habits of other successful people. Which is what this week’s guest blogger wants to share with us. Emma, with Invaluable, has a list of 12 creative people who overcame great failure in order to become successful. Here she is to tell you more below!

12 Creatives Who Overcame Great Failure to Succeed:
If you google the definition of failure, you’ll find “lack of success” or “the omission of expected or required action” at the top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Both those definitions yield a negative connotation and suggest that failure has little to learn from. In fact, the opposite is true. Failing is inherent in just about every big risk, every business venture, every career move, every artistic endeavor in which you wander outside your comfort zone. Without setbacks, it’s impossible to learn and grow. Just as we should make mental notes of successes, we should also be aware of those situations that didn’t work out as planned, and adjust accordingly. It’s what keeps us humble and striving for greatness.
Did you know many of the most successful people out there today faced and overcame some serious hardships before striking it big? I bet you wouldn’t suspect that Oprah was fired from her job at Baltimore’s WJZ or that J.K. Rowling was turned down from 12 major publishing houses for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. These are just a couple examples Invaluable lists in the below infographic. Take note of how these powerful people overcame some of life’s biggest obstacles to ultimately become inspirations to all of us.
Also, here is a link to the infographic:
Guest Post by: Emma, at Invaluable.
For more posts like this, check out Invaluable’s website! And if you want to read more about how you can overcome failure and be successful, check out these articles:
- 5 Things All Dreamers Need to Know
- Face Your Fears & Start Living Your Dreams
- How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
- The 5 Routines of Highly Successful People
- Why Gratitude is Important to Change Your Life