The 5 Best Sweet Potato Recipes
Some of my favorite meatless dishes include many sweet potato recipes. I used to eat mostly vegetarian (I say mostly because once in a while I’d cook something with chicken). Since most of my meals consisted of vegetables, I needed a way to feel full and satisfied so I wouldn’t feel starved in a couple of hours. That’s when I discovered sweet potatoes and how amazing they are! Sweet potatoes are rich in Vitamin A, B6, C, and D. As well as a good source for potassium, magnesium, and iron. They’re good for the immune system and they won’t increase your blood sugar (I swear this isn’t an ad for sweet…
The Best Detox Water for a Smaller Waistline
I used to work in a restaurant where my diet consisted mostly of carbs, particularly pizza. This is when I started to notice how THICK my waist had gotten. It wasn’t fat, it was just thick. That’s when a girl I worked with recommended a detox water that helped her lose 10 pounds in one week! I’m not one to pass up a quick and easy weight loss trick. And I really liked that you can still eat normal while you’re drinking this detox water, as opposed to starving yourself (It takes more than a cube of cheese to keep me from fainting). The Best Detox Water for a Smaller…
3 Ways to Detox your Life After the Holidays
I have been doing a lot of chocolate eating and heavy drinking lately (that comes standard with the holidays, right?). All of these excess calories have made me feel bloated like a balloon. On top of whale status, we have things EVERYWHERE. As much as I love the gifts and treats, I really need a life detox. Common signs you need to detox your life are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and heavy. Having an excess of things (Even yummy delicious or beautiful shiny ones) can really weigh you down. If you need a reset right now, try these 3 ways to detox your life. 3 Ways to Detox your Life After…
3 Healthy Sack Lunch Ideas to Pack This Week
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches come to mind when you think of sack lunch ideas. But we want to be eating like adults, not children, especially if we’re bringing our lunch to work. We want variety and tasty options otherwise it’s tempting to cheat and go out for lunch. Here are 3 different sack lunch ideas, along with some mix & match snacks, that you can bring to work. 1. Turkey Hummus Wrap This is one of my favorites to bring to lunch every day. Spread 1 tablespoon of hummus on a whole wheat tortilla or pita then add a handful of greens and 2 or 3 slices of deli turkey.…
Water Detox Recipe to Help with Bloating
About once a month, I feel thick through my middle. When this happens, I have an awesome water detox recipe to clear my system and help combat bloating. According to Healthline, when you drink enough water, it helps your body stop holding onto water weight. Which is awesome, because excess water weight can have a negative effect of making you feel fatter (Anyways it does for me). Here is my go-to water detox recipe to help decrease bloating: 1. Cucumber- Works as a Natural Diuretic 2. Lemon- Loosens Toxins in Digestive Tract & Aids in Digestion 3. Limes- Loosens Toxins in Digestive Tract & Aids in Digestion 4. Orange- Aids in Digestion 5. Mint…
College Life Hack: 3 Tips to Stay Healthy
If I would’ve had a healthy college life hack, I wouldn’t have gained 30 pounds studying abroad. Thankfully for you, I’m here to teach you before you make my same mistakes. If you follow the three tips below, you can stick to a healthy college lifestyle and set yourself up for a healthier life after graduation. The Freshman 15 is commonly referred to here in the States as the amount of weight you gain your first year of college. The weight gain comes from higher intakes of alcohol and increased fatty food, including fast food. If you’ve ever been in the college dining hall, you can attest with me how…
10 Healthy Foods to Eat at the Fair
I’m from Iowa, which is known for having an awesome fair. A huge attraction at the fair is the butter cow and all of the fried food. We have the traditional fried Oreos, Twinkies, Funnel Cakes, but recently we added fried butter (Talk about a healthy choice!). When I go there I want to have fun and enjoy the food, but I don’t want to spend hours and hours at the gym trying to burn it off later. To help eat less calories, I have done the research on some of the healthier food options at the fair. Try out one these 10 foods to save on calories when you…
Metabolism Boosting Detox Drink
Anything that says “Metabolism Boosting” sells me. I’m always looking for some way to burn more fat and help me lose weight easier. When I was 23, I watched an episode of Rachel Ray with a young celebrity (It was someone like Mischa Barton). She was telling the audience about this fantastic drink that she takes every day. She said it boosts metabolism and only requires 3 ingredients (Easy and amazing. What could be better?). The 3 ingredients you need are: cranberry juice (https://amzn.to/32pPRUU) lemon juice (https://amzn.to/35zslGO) apple cider vinegar (https://amzn.to/3k7vhOQ) It helps support weight loss and cleanses your system (Bonus that I learned: one shot cures a hangover). I like…
5 Healthy Dessert Ideas that Won’t Wreck Your Diet
I have a sweet tooth but I want to eat healthily, so I always research healthy dessert ideas. I find this a challenge to satisfy both my sugar craving and my caloric intake. In my quest for sugar and health (I’ve tried the ingredient substitutions and don’t always have the best luck), I’ve found 5 snacks that count as desserts without being too sugary: 1. Chocolate Covered Banana Sometimes I have cravings for a Reese’s peanut butter cup (Really, anything frozen and chocolate). So I melt dark chocolate chips (60% cacao) and drizzle it over a drop of peanut butter and a slice of banana. Then I set them in…
10 Easy Holiday Treats for the 4th of July
It’s the time of year where people get together to celebrate America, which means you’re going to need holiday treats. If you aren’t good at cooking slash creativity, there can be a lot of pressure. So here are 10 easy holiday treats to help you get into the 4th of July spirit, without too much effort: 1. An Easy Fruit Bowl The hardest part of the fruit bowl is making it to the grocery store to pick the fruit out. Then all you have to do is cut it up and mix it together. Pick anything from strawberries, watermelons, raspberries, apples, bananas, and blueberries to get a truly American color…