
Why You NEED to Plan a Day Trip This Month

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There are times when you need to plan a day trip in your life. I go through phases during the year where I get restless. Every day has been the same thing: wake up, go to work, see friends on the weekend, repeat. This is fun, but after a while I really want to get out of town and see something new.

Call it the wanderlust gene, or being bit by the travel bug, but I need to travel like I need to breathe. If you feel like you’re in a funk or looking for a new adventure, plan a day trip. Normally it’s cheaper than going on a major trip and it allows you to be more flexible (Check out my article about traveling in the off season for more budget ideas).

Here are 3 different ways to plan a day trip this month:

Plan a Day Trip

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Why You NEED to Plan a Day Trip this Month:

1. Go to a Nearby City & Stay the Night.

Just going somewhere out of your element is a great way to change things up. I live in the middle of the country, so we normally choose between Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, Kansas City, or St. Louis when we want a weekend away. Typically we stay in an Airbnb (Check out my article if you want tips on what to look for in an Airbnb). It’s a cheap alternative to a hotel, but the last time we were in Minneapolis we stayed at an awesome hotel that gave us free admission to museums.

Depending on where you’re located, you can pick a nearby city to explore. Look up an exhibit that’s there, check out the nightlife, or find out if there are any events going on that would be fun to check out. Almost every city has an event website that you can look at before you go somewhere.

2. Visit a Popular Site or Attraction You Haven’t Seen.

Every place has something special to attract tourists. Even the smallest towns (I was in a town that boasted the first apple!). Look up your state’s list of tourist attractions and see if there’s anything around that you might be interested in seeing.

One summer I traveled around my state looking at different things that make it awesome (I may have used it as book research to excuse all the extra travel). It showed me that you don’t have to travel far to see amazing things like castles, delicious micro-breweries & wineries, and beautiful landscapes. You’ll be surprised what you find around you.


3. Hop in the Car Without a Destination in Mind.

This is one on my favorite kind of day trips (And I tend to be a more Type A kind of person!). Make a spur of the moment decision, hop in the car, and drive. There are many beautiful sites and places that make up this world that you may not have seen.

When we’ve done this, we’ve randomly found a Mariachi Festival, the largest Butterfly Garden, and our favorite brewery. Even if you don’t find any place particular to stop, it’s nice to get away and spend time together.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money or go somewhere exotic to see something new. Sometimes exploring the places around you help you to appreciate where you’re from and find a new appreciation for where you live. For more travel tips, check out my article on why you should travel in the off season.

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